Life is full of first time.
The first time going to school, the first time going places, the first time holding hands, the first time you fell off and bleed you knee and the list continues.
Most of the time, we tend to forget soo little things that happen for the first time.
Past few weeks, two weeks ago exactly, I had my another first time. first time to be warded. And the first time to undergo surgery, the first time my body receive such a lots of drugs, the first time I eat hospital food.
Last 12th of April, i had undergo a surgery. Sound critical eh? Just dental surgery. To remove my wisdom tooth which had been annoying me for past 6 months. The damages they did and the damages they had, give me no option other then to have them removed. I'm a guy of no wisdom then.
Hospital ward is not a foreign place for me, I experienced staying in ward for 3 months for nursing my grandpa and late grandma before. But to be the person lying on that bed is totally different compare to the one on the thin sheet against the cold floor.
But I treat it as an adventure, kind of looking forward to be warded. I even made preparations few day before. Visits to pharmacy looking for pati ikan haruan and coming back with aloe vera extract juice, packets and cans of campbells soup, bottles of mineral waters, small towels, thin towels thick towels, i even buy a new shirt!!! Not to forget, packets of tissues since i find boxed tissues kind of sissy ;P.
Well, not much are useful during those 3 days ( been warded for 3 days) other than the small towel which i use to wipe my blooded saliva flowing out my sexy lips. Never wear the shirt since the nurses ask me to wear the light green uniform, which is quite comfortable except the pant which required me to knot the string. Quite difficult since i had a slim tummy and bit more difficult when i need to have emergency visit to the toilet. I also worried what if the knot go loose when i was sleeping. Lucky it didnt happen :P.
And a tip for guys, do bring novels when you warded. It give impressions to the nurses :P.
Everything went fine on the first day. They suck out my blood for tests and being brief by doctors on the risk of the surgery and another brief by the anesthetist which i find quite uncomfortable because the way he brief me seems like he might do some mistakes and made me sleep for good. But he is a good guy other than he read the other patient descriptions and only notice it half way of the briefing *sigh*
The surgery happen early in the morning, 7 am. I did my Subuh prayer and pray hardly for the operation goes well. HE listen to me.
One thing about this operation I am not comfortable with is the going-to-operation robe. You know the one you see Jim Carrey wear when he ride the Ducati in Yes Man. Yes mam, the robe that might bare your back, all of your back. Maybe it is cool for Jim Carrey to show off his buns but mine is not for viewing and I did my best to make sure all the string are knotted tightly.
The nervous part is when the nurses walk you the operation theater. They walk but i was lying flat on the stretchers. Staring at the moving ceilings. I do ask if I can walk with them but it is a procedure for a patient to stay on the stretchers. I try to sit but it felt weirder. Closing my eyes also not helpful.
The only thing I remember of the surgery is, I lay on the bed with a weird pillow, i dont think its a pillow, head support which looks like a weird bowl. The same anesthetic guy, put a mask on my face, asking me to breath slowly and the big light on my face. Next i wake up in another room with big clothes in my mouth. I think they call it gauge. I felt dizzy and very sleepy. It was 11 am. I dont think the operation went that long, only the drugs gave me a damn good sleep.
I continue sleeping for another few hours and wake up to find lots of sms from Istimewa , my sister and my Umi.I love you all!!!
I didnt tell lots about the surgery, lots of friends are angry with me. Sorry guys, I just dont want to make a big deal out of it. I know you lot care bout me, and i thanks you very much.
I spend the 10 day MC at kampung. Spending good times licking the wounds and have lot of thought of my life. But that another story to share.
Well, that is my first surgery and hopefully I dont have to go any other in the future. Amin.
3 weeks ago