Blogger issue...
Should i filter what I want to write in MY BLOG for the sake of MY READERS?
I been blogging for nearly one year, am an emotional blogger , read: post when i feel i want to.
I also have links on my blog to bloggers who i love to read, usually they are my fav and special read : i like thier writings, and they links to others who i also love to read but i dont think they are valueable enuff to be linked to.
Well, one of link in my link list there are going to put her blog private. Mean i need to put down her link later lah. The reason is there are shitheads who peeks her blogs and making up stories about her, well i dont think she is Siti Nurhaliza enuff for her story to be Utusan Malaysia headlines but i guess she is hot enuff to people around her to have such an interest. I dont know how much the damage is but I do believe it is irritating.
Same thing also happen to a blogger once i known. Badrul was a good blogger, he write honestly I think, at least to me, he sound honest regardless his words which may contains F*ck here and there. In Bad case, he once wrote about how he hate his mother for a little things and he happen to have quite sum of followers reading his writing, and the outcome is not very nice. Not so nice that eventhough the thing had been years, but there still comments condemning his writing at his chat box. He had delete that post and rarely post anything this days.
What are blogs really?
My gf , once voiced her worries if somebody from her office or those who are on unwanted list suddenly came accross her blog, what will happen? Since her blog were sometime place where she throw her anger, hatred and usually sadness, will those writing affect those people view?
I write what I want to write. But sometime I do want to write about my terasa hati [far hearted eh? in english?] to certain people but I did write nothing on it since im not sure they can take it professionally on not. But I really hope that those who love to read blogs, do respect the writers' opinions, it maybe different from yours but that is why our ancestors called it opinion because it is the way you saw it. How to do it?
Owh please, I'll need to post another article on that because this post already too long for you and try to think by yourself once, you are not the type need to be spoon feed eh?
Anyway, good luck to reramo besi , may you'll find your happyness! (that one is not a typo!)
3 weeks ago
cantik banner! colorful gitu. I like! :-D
Delinn :
Best view with IE only, buruk gle kalo pakai firefox
That condemn thing, that is soooooooo true.. We should respest what others think, love/like, interests, writings etc.. but there are somebody who barely can understand that.
Nice article! ;)
ku tulis apa2 pun tetap akan ada 10-20% org yg tak puas hati..
Arakian memuji Ilahi sekalipun diorang akan cakap ko riak!
Jadi, tak perlulah bikin pot terhadap nyamuk2 itu. Palign berani diorg bagi komen pun guna anonymous. Apa kes.
since we are writing what-ever we wanna write, it shouldn't be any probs...redah jek hihihi
just me, en famil , cikgu tadika :
Hate to say this but I totally agreed with u guys. Owh, was it because u are agree with me? I smelled politics, hahaha
awak balik la sekolah lama awak- Mr Lee pas aku kantoi 1st time add math form 4 dulu.hhehehe..
Bro, ape khabar agaknye Mr Lee ye, last aku dengar dia kne transfer pergi Kuala Krai,agak2 kalo g rumah dia bleh mkn satay tak?(sapa mkn satay paling banyak masa pergi rumah dia ari tu? ko kan?)
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