i didnt finish this and just thought it was damn too long to continue writing, so this is it :D
My first encounter with this magical awesome human born technology named computer was way back when I am 13. Five nos of PC arranged in the computer room next to my school library. And it is not easy to get my hand on them. First you need to be a computer club member. Second, you need to get your name on the daily waiting list. Daily means that day list, you cannot put your name on tomorrow's list. There is no tomorrow list on the current day. And believe me, cronyism already started since man first landed his feet on this mother earth, read : you need to have friends who assigned to take care of that computer room to get your name on the top of the list. Well, the world is always cruel, even for a 13 year old. I still remember, to turn on the computer, we need to use some kind of disk, BIOS if I'm not mistaken, about 6 inch flappy black envelop with magnetic tape inside. Most fun of all, there only one application/software running on that computer. I cant recall the actual name, but it was a "computerize" encyclopedia. You select the topic, it show you a kind of power point presentation, and by clicking next, you'll go to the next page. Far far away compared to today's software. During that year, slide show was a bombastic animation.
Next come the internet. And it hits hard. It was year 1998 if i'm not mistaken. Also the year i got my first email, cbk98ls@yahoo.com. Cybercafes grows like mushrooms after the rain. Could say every corner of my hometown, Machang, you'll find a cyber cafe. But there's any of them did materialized the word cafe in that cyber cafe name, just cyber. Even my friend Frost, founder of Friengers yet to materialize it. But it was my observation during few early visits after the opening and i do believe that one day in future, it would be the first actual cyber cafe in Kelantan. Go go Friengers!!!
Even though I start to know internet in 1998, but I was yet a junkies as today. I think it actually started in my college years. Kuktem ( now known as UMP) was a great college. It provide free wireless internet throughout the campus. Some might say it was only at hostel area, but I spend most of my time in my hostel room so its throughout the campus for me, hahaha. Unfortunately, I only could savor the sweetness of internet on my third year. In year 2003, you'll need to have nearly RM 2k to own a desktop and nearly RM 3k something to be a proud owner of laptop. And keep in mind, those are the lower end price. And after saving my PTPTN for one year, I managed to build my own PC from scratch for RM 1200 ++, hahaha, a big achievement of that time.
And I had become a loyal , addicted internet junkies since then. I could spend hours in front my PC surfing the net. Surf here and there, limits and border never exist. Even if the network administrator puts barricades, lots of barricades, we find our way out through clouds, when they block Yahoo Messenger, we install Skype. There always an alternative. I also learn to kill other people connections to make sure my movies are downloaded faster.Hahaha.
3 weeks ago
1 comment:
i remember the first time using net was before my kawad training in school, form 4 if i'm not mistaken. the luxury of attending school in the middle of town is you can run from cyber cafe to school in under 3 minutes.
during my first chit chat session, i want to give my email add to someone, but i did not know where to find the '@' button on the keyboard, so i typed dieyana7 alias yahoo dot com. silly me.
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