Friday, February 13, 2009

Tak pe Abg Lah kewL nye ! ! !

Poor pak lah...

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysia's prime minister and other VIPs were stuck in an elevator for 30 minutes at a government-owned convention center while on his
way to make a speech, an official and reports said Friday.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the others were trapped in an elevator at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre on Thursday after the doors failed to open on reaching the concourse level, said Abdullah's aide, who spoke on
condition of anonymity, citing protocol.

"He was OK," the aide said. "He was not there by himself."
The New Straits Times reported firefighters eventually pried open the door with a crowbar.
The nine-level circular convention center, built atop a hill in the administrative capital of Putrajaya by the government, has hosted several international events and summits.
The mishap is the latest example of defects and shoddy workmanship in government buildings.
In recent years the Parliament's roof has been found leaking, the ceilings at
two government offices collapsed and a leaking pipe flooded another
At the time, Abdullah voiced outrage over those incidents and ordered an immediate inspection of all state infrastructure for defects. Public Service Department director general Ismail Adam, who was in the elevator with Abdullah, later apologized for the delay.
"When we reached the concourse, the
lift would not open, so we had to spend about half an hour in there while
waiting for someone to pry open the doors,"

The Star newspaper quoted him as saying.

"We did not panic and all was calm until the doors were finally opened for us to get out."
The New Straits Times quoted a security officer at the convention center as saying the elevator, meant for dignitaries, may have fallen into disrepair because it was seldom used.
An officer at the convention center, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she is not authorized to make public statements, said the center was still waiting for the technical report on what caused the elevator to get stuck.

Mari menunding jari? Anybody want to start first?


Unknown said...

aku salahkan anwar ibrahim!

Penanam Sayur said...

Hahahaa, synical!!!

mawaR said...

anda telah di tagged! visit my blog to fulfill the requirement...! TQ

- just me - said...

alaa.. saje nak wat ketaq kat paklah kejap.. mende2 camtu bese jd kat mana2, cuma smalam turn paklah haha.. n bcos of him, trapped dlm lif 30 minit pun boleh masuk paper :D salah media laa kot... hehe