A young man, living his life to the fullest. Being well since born. Wheeling a nice local made car. Owning a house at age 27. His heart is rotting bit by bit. The family he loved and care turned against him. Poisoned by the girl he used to try to love.He asked, how could them who know him for 27 years never come forward and give him a fair trial instead of giving him a sentence, guilty as charge. Far more cruel than ISA.
A beautiful young lady. A struggling artist. In the ultimatum of what she want and what she want others want. A dilemma of a good person I said, we always put others happiness far ahead of us.
A young man, for 27 years, struggling to find himself. Looking for the definition of his existence. His confident crushed by the family, his heart torn ed by city's butterfly. He put his diploma at the road side, guessing if the dust would turn to gold.
A gorgeous young lady, which her love to her little sister is like the air for her lungs. Is suffocating. The wind is changing.
A young man. A listener. A guy who been taken as The One. Is listening and seeing. Is praying for God didn't let down those he loved and cherished.
3 weeks ago
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