I am thinking to change my FB name. Bahaya.
Since the name written at my FB and my bizz card is same, so i put my name soo easy to google. FB name listed No 1. It shows that your FB name efficiently indexed by google bots.
Facebook.com Alexa stats :
1) No 2 most visited website in the whole world
1) No 1 most visited website in Malaysia
3) Average 30% of global internet user visiting Facebook everyday
Since facebook is one of the most hottest thing in the world, my advice is if you plan to divide your personal life and you works, you better making sure that your FB name way more different compare to your Office Formal name.
My post is boring.
# update 30 seconds later
- actually you can deny your Facebook page to be founded by search engine. Use the privacy setting. Thank to Ms KY for the info.
- I am much much much happier :D
3 weeks ago
ceh..takut sgt.. ada apa2 ker?
huish, personal life dgn working life kne asing beb, krg tetiba client google nama ko, lepas tu jumpa FB ko then tgk ko tgh huha huha kutuk meeting dengan dia 30 minit lepas, tak ke naya? Cam aku baru buat dekat client aku, hahahaha
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