On (date) , as i wake up from my lovely sleep, actually woke up by a big yell by my rarely spoken to housemate, i notice one of my precious belonging gone, my laptop. Then i found my fat wallet laying flat on the stair, and my sentimental bagpack had gone.Owh, my handphones too.
I've been robbed!!!
Somebody break into my house and steal my belongging. Damn.
I think it is the first lost in my life. Same situation happen before when i was young to my parent house. Eventhough i do not posses expensive stuff but those thing are quite important as well as big stuff i had. The laptop I bought after one year I become a labour, the backpack i had since my college years, the handphones get to my hands from the bonuses and my salary increment. Damn.
The tragedy left me quite paralyze. Lost all important contacts, numbers and my movies and tv series collections. It would take fairly hard ground to take off to re-collect those back, How I met Your Mother season 1-5, Brothers & Sisters season 1-4, my HD Harry Potter collection, most of all, I have to use this super ultra slow laptop borrowed from my office temporarily.
Local post mortem said those thieves might use mystic power upon us. Casting spells to our house to that we would sleep soundly and never notice they break in.
I think I'm going to install those indoor alarms, one like in 7Eleven, but i need it very loud that it can wake up my neighbours in case the thieves put spell on us. It would be very safety thinking of them to put spell on our neighbour too isn't?
3 weeks ago
no wonder i couldnt get u. u'd been robbed! dem it. i think its the season lah. my business had been robbed to. try installing cctv cameras in ur plc. tat shd do the trick. the villain is just nearby trust me.
btw my no is : 014.847.0909
damn bro, i missed u n i know there lots and lots u need to update me.
Season it is, in this two weeks few more houses in the neighbourhood been breaking in, and one think i dont understand ppl here, they just talk about it, if its in my kampung, an immediate local night patrol will be immediately establish. What can i do, if salam lepas semayang pun tanak tengok mata, lol.
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