Sunday, May 30, 2010

When you pull the rubber band, it stretches.

When I lost my laptop to penyamun tarbus, I felt empty. I re-read The Kite Runner again and finished it in one night. I tried to read Malay Dilemma and again I felt asleep. Too heavy reading is another thing I yet know how to handle. As well as yawning when ppl giving long speech.

Then I get to borrow my company laptop. A super ultra damn slow laptop. I had to tweak here and there to make it a bit faster. Still I cannot open more than two IE and tab browsing is a big NO.

Losing the luxury of my laptop and having a bit hell of this office laptop teach me something. Teaching me on how to tolerate. With this laptop, I had to accept the fact that there are slow things in this fast paced world. I had to tolerate to it slow-ness so that I didn't burst grumpy and send it flying across my room straight to the wall.

This remind me to Fariz who once told me, " Embrace diversity!" , (Hoo, fariz, aku ingat lagi mu royat gitu ko aku.) Because when we accept the differences in ppl, we suddenly find those un-easiness and messed up, gone.

Thanks Fariz for giving me those wise words. I do learnt.



kyora said...

ahaaa... yawning while people giving long speech..

=MissRynn= said...

lor...mcmana leh ilang?

Penanam Sayur said...

rumah kena pecah ... or pukau ke apa ntah, tido mati trus, hahaha, ko komen bulan 6 aku reply bulan 12, adakah aku tak prihatin? muahahaha