Mindset is a blockage.
Bijak pandai kata kita adalah apa yg minda kita bagitahu kita.
Is it a waste when we are crazy bout something, music for example, instead of listening, we want to create your own music, or we love the melody of the song but to my fairly ears, the lyrics sucks, sucks a lot. I could write a better music, so i went out on ebay, bought an audio mixer , i learn how to use it, i write my own lyrics, and i post it on my blog and facebook. Since I'm a seasonist, after a few songs, a few periods, i get bored, i feel that my real life couldn't catch up anymore, I stop doing it. Hang the audio mixer on the wall, let it dust. Finally i decide to put it on ebay, then another girl from another part of the world buy it for half price i bought. Was it a waste? was it? Seem like i been nowhere with the madness i once had, I spoiled my money, in the end I'm at lost. Was it actually? How about the fun i had with those songs, those emails i got, fans admiring my lyrics? (Most of it from girls of course :P ) How many people at my kampung have touch the audio mixer? Or know what the hell was it? or even know how to spell it? Was those a waste at all?
Kau nak certify true copy ko punya sijil dengan transkrip. Duduk KL ni bukan boleh nak mintak cop mohor tok penghulu. Kadang kadang terfikir jugak, KL ni ada Tok Penghulu tak? Ni bukan main main punya cop mohor, tambah pulak nak mendaftarkan diri dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. Nak kene pakai cop mohor Jurutera Professional. Di persimpangan samada nak balik peram balik borang borang yang dah 3 bulan diisi atau nak rempuh je mana mana pejabat dalam bangunan JKR 17 tingkat tu mintak cop mohor. Tambah pulak orang orang kat Bangunan JKR ni, semua muka ketat ketat kalo bukan kita yang menegur dulu. Aku faham, diaorang nak kena jaga integriti, keje dengan JKR ni ingat dugaan kecik ke? Silap buat ramah, orang tumbuk rusuk iye dak? Mau balik rumah layan siling kalau silap langkah.
Here our mind play the big game. The decision we make reveal our true self. What are we? What are we made of. If we play it right, we'll know ourself, we'll see what our mindset looks like.
Apa jadi akhirnya?
Adakah saya akan membeli synthesizer itu? Tidak
Adakah sijil dan transkirp saya akhirnya mendapat Cop Mohor Jurutera Professional? Ya.
3 weeks ago
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