In year 2002, I had receive an offer letter from Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan & Teknologi Malaysia to continue my higher education there. I take it as a "Surat Arahan" rather than an offer letter since I had no where else to go. It was an engineering class, electrical (Electronics) Engineering to be precise. It was an offer that had never cross my mind, engineering? My physics was suck as well as my Maths. But years later, I found out that engineering class had develop me into who I am today. Not refering me as an engineer since I'm yet an engineer :-C.
Last night, Istimewa had complaint me on how I describe people. She said it is better for me to hardly keep myself from describing on anybody or that anybody would have hard feeling upon my description. I was stunned. Was I that bad in describing? I got an A in technical writing, which need a lot of describe this and that, in details. And I always think before I describe people, not to use any hurting descriptive words on them and yet, my examiner (Istimewa) gave F to me.
An example from her is , if we want to describe an arrogant act, we say, 'kau ni cam serius sgt je buat tak nampak mamat tu duduk kat sini" instead of to use, "kau ni sombong lah buat tak nampak je mamat tu duduk kat sini"
And that example is something I can't accept. The pharase "serius sangat je" is totally different from the meaning of the phrase "sombong lah".
Thinking over and over and over, I come to a conclusion that persons with a attitude of taking care upon what others would feel are persons with lots and lots of vocabulary, and have a total expertise in thesaurus.
3 weeks ago
owh psayur
first and foremost, welcome to blogspot!
yes, agree! go n study ok, berkias need practices! descriptives is good tau, but something like 'pipi kau besar bola' is kejam tho she does got chubby cheek!
KY ... I haven't open yet!!! (dun worry, u sure get the privilege)
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