Life is full of things that we expected and its compliment, the unexpected.
Today I realize that I had been surrounded by friends who are heart broken, scattered I might say but it seems to be much much more complicated and catastrophic than that. That is life.
I'm not going to express my condolence upon them here but what had happened made me to think that how unexpected life is, as we never expected that our best friend had made a surprise birthday party to us. If just the lost would have same effect as having surprise birthday party thrown upon you.
But I do, how I wish that I do understand how heart broken, how scattered your heart now but I know that I would never felt the same as yours, not even one percent of it.
What I could do is just to hear, listening the sad rhythm you play as long as you wish and hope that would ease you a bit and hopefully that a bit do help.
But I hate myself for only be able to listen. Hate to only able to see the sorrow hollowing around them.
And I really hate it, when I have no other choice of words to say to you, except that lame, sick and good for nothing word; sabarlah.
That word is good, nothing bad with that word, but I know that is not the word that would ease them, that is not what they need from me.
I have a belief that if someone is talking to me, revealing the burden they have, they not just want to talk, if it is all about talking, the walls are there all the time. I believe that they are indirectly asking me to help, to provide something that would able to take away the weight they carry, a bit if not all.
And it was a really sucking moment when I am speechless, shocked knowing how heavy it is and the only word I could come out with is that lame one; sabarlah. Damn.
And when we are like Pinocchio who want to be a real human kid.
3 weeks ago
gano tu. kade2 srabut jugok mer. bt sometimes, friends are more important than famili in a way when we are away from family. friends who are people closest to us. pendapat aku ar.
Fros :
Correction bro..aku xpernah serabut saing2 mari crito ko aku. Tapi sedih bilo dop mampu menolong.
hey.. u did a great job the last time! :) baca entry ko wat aku terharu.. & lebih2 terharu bila ko sudi sembang2 dgn aku aritu. thanks a lot! u did help me to get ease alot eventho u had to say 'sabarlah' haha.. serius aku tergelak bila baca that part dlm entry ko ni :D
just one thing, dont push urself to be someone that u couldn't be.. just be urslf coz sometimes for just standing beside ur friend quietly is already enough than pushed urself to talk something which is not appropriate..
believe me, i know... :) thanks friend..
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