Monday, April 6, 2009

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua.
Dalam beberapa episode lepas, aku telah meminta pendapat dari pengunjung blog aku untuk mengatasi masalah aku. boleh rujuk sini

Objective : To Make sure the document in my backup folders are updated as in Main Folders.

Masalah :
I found it “renyah” to do “Save As” after saving my files.[ save as is to save the file in backup folder]
I found it “uncool” to copy paste the folder each time I feel like to backup my files.

Solutions :

1. Microsoft Office word setting

1.1 Using advance setting in Microsoft office word.

Masalahnya, dengan setting ni, backup file aku tu di simpan dalam format yang pelik. Aku pun tak tau apa format dia, korang boleh cuba sendiri.

Word option > advance > save

Here you’ll tick
“copy remotely stored files onto your computer, and update the remote file when saving”

Apa yang terjadi?
Apabila anda save file kamu itu, save macam biasa, backup file will be updated.
Masalah :

Satu : Aku pelik dengan rupa bentuk backup file tu
Dua : Aku tak tau mana dia save backup file tu, aku rasa dalam tempat yang sama dengan file utama di simpan. DAN. Aku tak jumpa setting location save backup file itu.

1.2 Using macro
Tau apa itu macro? Tahu? Bagus. Tak payah lah aku citer.
Reason aku tak guna : tak berapa cool lh.

2.Menggunakan software dari luar. Maksudnya kena install ke dalam computer.

Part ini agak merisaukan, memandangkan aku staff NATO, nanti rahsia rahsia nato terbongkar. Tapi aku tak layan sebab bos Nato bayar aku gaji sikit.

Perisian ini dinamakan SyncToy. Dan bukanlah sejenis permainan.
Anda boleh muatturun di laman web Microsoft, sbb diaorang ni kamcing Bill Gate.

In my opinion, software ni bagus. Fungsi dia lebih kurang copy paste jugak Cuma lebih intelligent, sbb it will weight the folder before doing the backup procedure, updating dan macam macam keje dia lagi.
Ade beberapa options yang korang boleh tentu kan seperti :

Synchronize, Echo, Contribute.

A Synchronize operation takes the two folders and makes sure they have the exact same files. To do this, SyncToy may copy files in either direction and may delete or rename files in either folder.

The Echo operation looks for changes (new files, renames, deletes) in the left folder and makes them in the right folder (one-way sync).

A Contribute option is like an Echo, but it does not delete any files on the right folder that may have been deleted on the left folder.

Terima kasih encik Wiki.


The result :

I am using this software for two weeks already and it did help me keeping track of my files. Backup files is hassle no more [tangan lap peluh kat dahi, pakai back hand tangan kiri pada dahi belah kiri ya?] Its soo cool, just a few clicks and I can do my other jobs without worries [scene main golf dan berjemur atas bot mewah] Thank you SyncToy!

References :

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