Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Apa Saya Mahu Untuk 2009 What I Want

Dengan hadirnya 2009 hari ini, Saya dengan nama yang tercatat dalam Mykad, dengan ini berjanji akan mencapai target target berikut :

  1. Mempunyai wang simpanan berjumlah Rm30, 000 menjelang 31 Disember 2009.

  2. Meng-completekan lesen memandu kereta - RM580

  3. Terbang ke Gold Coast/Melbourne.

  4. Memiliki minyak wangi Polo Explorer.

  5. Bertukar kepada kenderaan 4 tayar.

  6. Tukar henfon baru.

Item item di atas adalah disusun mengikut kepentingan. Sekian!

*lompat sambil angkat tangan tinggi tinggi untuk menunjukkan situasi sangat bersemangat*

Mau Kiraturun di Mana?


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Superman Dulu Pakai Gear Manual, Superman Skarang Pakai Gear Auto!!!

Itu lah jawapan dia!!!


Jangan marah aku, marah Superman ye adik adik, sape swoh dia beli keta baru... Hahahaha...Zuss superman terbang!

Soalan teka teki boleh di dapati di sini.


Sila gaya kan kedudukan tangan semasa mengutarakan teka teki ini, membawa gambar superman juga adalah di galakkan, tapi lambang superman atau parut superman di dada Faizal Tahir adalah tidak digalakkan.

Friday, December 12, 2008


  1. Just read Tun Mahathir's on mozarella cheese. Who ever know here in Malaysia we produced Mozarella Cheese or even cheese. Well, Malaysia boleh, we had ladang anggur at Perlis, what else we could have next? Also Tun is working on horse breeding, hehehe, with my un-far sighted mind, i questioned, do we have market for that? Of course horse breeding is a bussiness isn't it? I guess Tun are far-sighting something far in the future. Well, its the must have quality of a leader isn't?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sistem Mesej Pendek - S.M.S

Feisal :
Aku banyak alami situasi buruk dale hidup aku..rebah pecah dagu,seliuh tangan, ketik situasi mu loni lg teruk dr aku alami..huhu duduk sebelah jate atah bah...

Dua hari kemudian,

Aku banyak alami situasi gembiradale hidup aku..buleh no 1 maso darjoh 1, buleh pege tgn gewe,buleh bersaing nga mu..dan ada 1 nikmat lagi, buleh ISAP ROKOK lepas make nasik,huuu..nikmat tak terkata! Owh, isap Dunhill, Camel sold out,hehe

Bersama orang tersayang..kenikmatan x terhingga..nescafe

Nyalaan kedua, 1st the opening, 2nd the prestige

Aku suka belaian manjanya

Cess! Speachless.

Cium pipi abg, sayang


Congrate to my best friend, Feisal, bakal melihat dunia dari persepsi baru 13hb ni, Inanam, Sabah.
Selamat Pengantin Baru.
Congrates bro!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Entri Interaktif - Teka teki

Is there anybody here know superman? Tipu kalo korang tak tau.

Ok, ni ade satu teka teki :

ini ialah encik superman versi veteren, gambar dia pun blur blur sikit, punya lah lama.

ini pulak encik superman versi baru, baru lagi ni, tgk baju dia berkilatkan, polyester ni.

Soalan teka teki :

Perhatikan kedua dua gambar di atas, dengan pandangan mata kasar, dan halus juga, anda akan perasan tangan encik supermanS (dua dua orang) berada di kedudukan berbeza. Kenapa?

Ada berani mau jawab?


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tak ada apa apa

Camane gua nak start.

Asalnye nak citer pasal gua tgh bosan giler duk kat rumah di kala hujung minggu ni, hosmate gua plak pegi melaka, aktiviti kompeni katanya. Asalnye nak gi Genting tapi tiket tak de, maklumlah summer kat kompeni hosmate gua tu muda muda belaka, tak terperasan musim cuti skolah dah mula.

Pastu gua terpikir plak nak tulis pasal hosmate gua ni, dia orang perak, duduk di jajahan larut matang dan selama kata awek gua, sebab diaorang asal dari jajahan sama, tapi takde lah diaorang saling mengenali antara satu sama lain, itu gua pasti.

Tapi sebelum ni gua ade kata kat awek gua yang gua akan buat posting berkaitan dengan kejadian yang berlaku pada kami,hanya awek gua je yang tau pasal ni sebab gua belum citer kat sesapa lagi tapi tak tau la kalo awek gua ader citer kat sesapa.

Gua bukan apa, dalam bab menulis ni gua memang suka, tapi gua lebih suka membaca daripada menulis sebagai mana yang selalu gua isi dalam ruangan kosong bertajuk “Hobi” dalam mana – mana form yang gua kena isi. Kekadang gua pelik gak, ada ke nak isi borang cabutan bertuah nak kene isi apa hobi gua, gua tak tau lah dari segi business psychology ade kait mengait ke tak atau pun orang yang buat form tu saje je nak melawak. Tapi gua teringat pernah gua isi form kat bahagian hobi tu, gua letak “reading”, on the spot awek yang bagi borang kat gua tu menunjuk kan impresi wajah pelik bukan kagum sebagaimana yang gua harapkan, maybe sebab cara pemakaian gua ni yang agak selekeh walau dah sedaya upaya gua cuba menyematkan diri. Gua yakin apa yang berlaku pada gua ni ibarat kata orang orang tua, alah bias tegal biasa. Pelik? Jangan pelik, kisahnye macam ni, dulu mase skolah rendah, ngan menengah rendah, gua pengawas, mase darjah satu sampai 4 tu tak de la pulak, sebab kecik sgt umoor nye, mane buleh jadi pengawas. Siap gua jadi ketua pengawas mase form 2 sebab skolah gua 2 sesi, so form 2 lah paling otai kat sebelah petang, tapi gua bukan otai sgt pun sampai bleh jadi ketua pengawas. Gua jugak ahli pembimbing rakan sebaya sekolah mase tu tapi gua tak jadi presiden sebab tanggungjawab gua sebagai ketua pengawas agak memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi namun sempat jugak gua gondol jawatan presiden rumah sukan sebab kne sabotaj ngan kawan gua, mase tu gua masuk lambat meeting rumah sukan, terus kene calon. Maybe sape sape yang nak dapat calon bleh pakai taktik tu. Jadi sebagai ketua pengawas, pakaian gua memang kemas lh so nape sekarang gua selebet? Jangan salahkan karier dalam bidang kejuruteraan, sebab gua tengok chargeman company gua dulu, semat jettak kate budak budak kat kampong gua. Bila gua masuk skolah asrama kat Pengkalan Chepa, gua mula rimas dengan identiti budak baik yang gua sandang selama ini, so gua nekad nak berubah, dan gua mula mengenali muzik grunge, tapi gua tak minat Nirvana. Dan jugak gua tengok budak budak comot kat sekolah gua tu, power power belajar semuanya. Dan perangai kurang ambik endah kekemasan diri ni gua bawak sampai lah gua masuk ke pusat pengajian tinggi, pernah la sekali dua gua cuba bergaya executive bila nak buat presentation ke apa, tapi tak banyak la. Tak caya Tanya coursemate gua, mesti diaorang perasan gua akan mengulang pakai baju sama pada hari yang sama, macam drama bersiri, pada hari dah waktu yang sama di tv … . Bila masuk alam pekerjaan ni, baru gua sedar kepentingan mempunyai kemahiran bergaya dan berkemas, tak perlu hensem , Cuma perlu kemas dan bergaya. Mana tidak nya, Gua ni executive tapi bile gua gi ofis orang lain, orang ingat gua ni budak dispatch, gua mane ade skill naik moto cilok cilok macam diaorang, bayang jalan bertrafik perlahan kat depan LRT Kelana Jaya, selamba badak je dia diaorang cilok dengan kelajuan tinggi, EX5 je beb, bukan RXZ pun, tepukan untuk kemahiran korang, orang lain jangan cuba kalau korang takde kemahiran. Kadang kadang gua terfikir nak pergi jumpa consultant peragaan ke, pastinya diaorang boleh bagi khodmat nasihaat yang berguna untuk gua kan? Tapi nanti lah, bile gua bleh pakai Honda Accord cam bos gua ke, atau Camry cam manager gua tu, gua pergi lah.

Gua ade sorang kawan, dalam frenster dia, hobby dia letak : menangkap rama rama terbiar. Asal gua rasa apelah bangang nye kawan gua ni, tapi lama lama gua nampak macam cute plak hobi dia ni. Erm, nak kawin dah dia ni, bulan 4 tahun depan, dgr citer sekarang dia jadi engineer kat Pulau Pinang.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Congrate Sis!!

After lunch today i received a sms from umi, "so what u'll get for ika?"

Being a busy brother I almost forgot that today our little princes UPSR result announced today. Immediately on phone with Umi and alhamdulillah, Ika managed to score 5A. According to Umi, she was crying on the phone upon the news, heh, typical Ika, the softest one in the family.

Her result was out of expectation, as far as I know, she never study yet never busy with any other school activities compared to her sisters who most of the time on school mission for sports or other extra-curricular activities. But we never give up hoping that she will pass the exam with flying colors like most of us. Also we never put any irrational burden upon her to fulfill it. Just reminding her that it would be nice if she manage to get it. Alhamdulillah, you got it sis.

What next for her?

MRSM? Sekolah Sains? or Sek Men Keb Hamzah 2?

There already 2 Ansara, 1 Hamzah and 1 Hamzah-the-second-in-the-making in Cikgu Hanapi's family. Kind of hoping for a Sekolah Sains product in our family,heh.
Umi was planning to apply for Sekolah Maahad, quite nice but a bit against my socialist idealism ,heh.
For me, where ever you'll leap next sis, we only want the best of you as long as "that best" won't be a burden for you.

p/s : Oh yeah, i am announcing this to the world as i think she deserve this congratulations and a bit show off , so? if u have any problem with it, thats ok, maybe because yours didn't get as good as her, no worries, jealousy is kind a normal thing you know but it was soo last year, heh.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

70% of 100%

What would you do if your doctor said you have this disease?

Yesterday my doctor,(this is my second time meet her kekeke) diagnosed my and she suspected that I have this kind of illness. She suggested a blood test. Actually I don’t really like needles but she's the doctor not me.

And this afternoon, I received a phone call : test result already in her hand. And it is positive.

Well, I didn’t give it a serious thought. Maybe it is just temporary.

But who knows better than HIM.

The doctor brief me that, from day on, I have to be careful with my food. She listed the most foods I should avoid, actually, it is about 70% of food on earth.

I was hoping for another answer when I asked her, "Is this for life?"

Her nods crushed everything.

Ladies and gentleman,

Please prepare something other than red meat, nuts and seafood if I’m in your guest list since I have this illness call gout.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mata kiri berkedip

Gua panas, gua tensen, kaki gua sakit, badan gua belengas, gua penat. Complete package skrang ni.

Pastu kunci rumah gua cicir.

Kesudahannya gua duduk depan rumah buat post blog ni, gua memang dedicated blogger.

Patut la mata kiri gua berkedip kedip jap tadi, bakal dapat bala rupanya. Huh!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Akhirnya persoalan masalh laptop aku terjawab jugak, bukan salah aku pakai window yang tak genuine atau beli laptop free-dos atau pun sebab aku training dota lebih kurang 2 jam setiap hari atau pun meksis broadband aku yang semakin hari semakin slow atau pun anti-virus yang aku pakai hanya lah cam payung atau jugak sebab aku gi format kat kedai bangla di Plaza Imbi je sebab nak murah pastu berkoyan koyan plak driver aku nak kne install sendri,

Tapi rupenye penjual laptop tu yang tak kompeten!!!

Haiya, ade ke patut dia g setting dos aku salah, camane nak stabilnye aku punya window, kalo hardisk sata ko gi setting lain, siap aku dah pergi kedai dia dua kali, ber bijak pandai la pulak kata window corrupt, ececece, pandai la ko.

Penat dowh, nak pergi low yatt sana, sampai aku rasa cam lain kali kalo aku nak beli apa apa barang yang ade waranty, lagi baik pegi beli kedai dekat dengan rumah je, ni pegi beli jauh jauh semata nak dapat kurang seratus dari harga biasa, ko tak kira kos pengangkutan, rokok, lepak minum, prepaid pakai bwat call member sebab dah lenguh dah menunggu ni, yang terutama sekali korang tak pernah nilaikan penat lelah korang berusaha tu padan tak ngan less rm100 tu? Lom kira blanje member makan Johnnys lagi sebab korang rasa dia lagi pandai dalam bab komputer sampai korang rasa kalo korang deal sendiri sah sah kne tipu.

Sampai rumah dekat pukul 12 mlm, test run dulu laptop aku...nampak cam normal, tempreture pun ok, berselera je dia menyedut elektron elektron mengecas beteri dia, ok, aku puas hati.

Letih punya pasal susah gile aku nak tido, aku ade satu perangai, kalo aku letih sangat, aku akan merasa sangat susah untuk tido, tapi sepatutnya aku tak letih sangat sebab pergi Low Yatt tu, cuma weekend lepas aku mengalami hectic lifestyle sikit plus Peter Chech bler ter reflek lak gi melompat awal 1 saat je.

Dalam susah nak tido tu, bleh plak aku termimpi. Aku mimpi aku konon konon zaman belajar, tapi dapat masuk kolej swasta, bapaknye enjoy aku sampai tetiba rambut aku jadi panjang nasib baik tak afro jer. Tapi yang best pasal mimpi aku ni bukan sebab aku masuk kolej swasta tu, hahaha

Dalam mimpi tu , konon konon nye abah aku bagi hadiah kereta, takde la keta baru, kete secondhand je, ni scene cam cerita transformers tu, mase dia mula mula nak beli bumblebee tu, cuma aku ni kan jenis anak yang baik, takde la aku nak ligan bapak aku, guling guling tenggiling sambil tendang tendang sekeliling sebab tak nak keta buruk, eh, keta tu tak buruk la, cantik just secondhand je. Siap aku bleh heran lagi dalam mimpi tu, sebab aku ingat lagi dialog aku kat bapak aku, "eh, Honda ke bah?" rileek je bapak aku jawab, "aah, Honda la bagus"

post ni aku tulis lama dah, dalam minggu lepas, smpai skrang aku dah lupa dah camane mimpi aku punya ending. Moral of the story, berenti la buat keje separuh jalan, kesudahan dia tak siap jugak karang.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Utusan Malaysia 28 ogos 2008

*senyum meleret*

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Tetiba aku rasa cuak, berdebar tak senang duduk dan sama waktu dengannya.

Aku pun tak tau kenapa? Sebelum ni Ok je, tak ade masalah pun, sebelum sebelum ni dalam situasi yang hampir sama atau lebih hebat dari ni pun aku tak de nak rasa berdebar, nak risau ke ape.

Chelsea Vs Liverpool, Stanford Bridge.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy My Heart (Suka Ati Aku?)

Blogger issue...

Should i filter what I want to write in MY BLOG for the sake of MY READERS?
I been blogging for nearly one year, am an emotional blogger , read: post when i feel i want to.

I also have links on my blog to bloggers who i love to read, usually they are my fav and special read : i like thier writings, and they links to others who i also love to read but i dont think they are valueable enuff to be linked to.

Well, one of link in my link list there are going to put her blog private. Mean i need to put down her link later lah. The reason is there are shitheads who peeks her blogs and making up stories about her, well i dont think she is Siti Nurhaliza enuff for her story to be Utusan Malaysia headlines but i guess she is hot enuff to people around her to have such an interest. I dont know how much the damage is but I do believe it is irritating.

Same thing also happen to a blogger once i known. Badrul was a good blogger, he write honestly I think, at least to me, he sound honest regardless his words which may contains F*ck here and there. In Bad case, he once wrote about how he hate his mother for a little things and he happen to have quite sum of followers reading his writing, and the outcome is not very nice. Not so nice that eventhough the thing had been years, but there still comments condemning his writing at his chat box. He had delete that post and rarely post anything this days.

What are blogs really?

My gf , once voiced her worries if somebody from her office or those who are on unwanted list suddenly came accross her blog, what will happen? Since her blog were sometime place where she throw her anger, hatred and usually sadness, will those writing affect those people view?


I write what I want to write. But sometime I do want to write about my terasa hati [far hearted eh? in english?] to certain people but I did write nothing on it since im not sure they can take it professionally on not. But I really hope that those who love to read blogs, do respect the writers' opinions, it maybe different from yours but that is why our ancestors called it opinion because it is the way you saw it. How to do it?

Owh please, I'll need to post another article on that because this post already too long for you and try to think by yourself once, you are not the type need to be spoon feed eh?

Anyway, good luck to reramo besi , may you'll find your happyness! (that one is not a typo!)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dendam Abang Sameon

Tak pe chah, nanti bila abang dah beli Vespa, Chah duduk kat belakang abang
ni, pastu Chah jerit, konar bang! konar bang!
Time tu Chah tengok lah,
abang bawak setereeeet jer!

- di petik dari filem Man Laksa

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New achievement

DBG 4160 speedometer hari ni berjaya cecah angka 100km/j.

Rekod terpantas dari Bukit Puchong ke Taman Desa ialah 29 minit beberapa saat berjaya dilakukan pada hari ini.

Mendapat mesej "xkagum pun" dari Istimewa.

Isk, kalo ape2 terjadi tadi, maybe tak aku akan masuk dalam statistik raya tahun ni ...

Monday, September 22, 2008


Semenjak pertengahan tahun ni, aku perasan, aku ade satu perangai.

Aku nak sumer barangan aku dalam keadaan teratur, in order camtu.
Pergh, ilang jiwa grunge butterfinggers aku.

Tapi aku baru perasan mende ni, esp bulan posa ni.

Selalunye aku akan ade 2-3 jenis kueh muehs (sejenis kueh tu dalam dua bijik kecuali kalo Bazar Ramadan kat puchong perdana, situ kueh 3 bijik singgit jer) dalam menu aku, satu main dish dengan sejenis air berperisa yang selalunya perisa cendol.
Sampai je kat umah, aku akan unloaded kan sumer makanan tu daripada plastik beg diaorang kedalam respective bekas.

Selalunya main dish dalam satu pinggan, kalo cam ade kuah dalam palastik asing tu aku akan bukak terus pengikat dia biar terbukak tp kuah tu lom campur skali lagi tau.

Kalo kueh kueh tu akan akan susun dalam satu pinggan

Then air ber perisa aku akan masuk dalam 1 jug then tepi jug tu ade satu gelas je sebab aku makan sorang sorang. Dan jug tu letak dalam pinggan plastik yg lebar sbb rumah aku tak de dulang.

Then sumer sumer ni akan diletakkan di tengah tengah ruang tamu berlapikkan surat khabar lama. Erm, tetiba aku rasa cam nak beli plastik keras tempat hidang tu, ape kah nama dia ek?

Then aku baca balik ape yang aku tulis ni terus aku rasa aku dah tak normal. Isk.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mane nak cari awek bagus.

Bulan puasa aku agak sibuk. 
Kebetulan aku duduk sorang diri je kat umah, bile slalu balik lambat takde la rasa bosan kat umah.

Semalam aktiviti berbuka puasa dgn dormmate aku maser matriks di kolej Taj 2001. Heh, status kitaorang memang unik sebab sumer kat kolej tu duduk dalam bilik kecuali kitaorang yang duduk dalam Dorm of 15 belas orang.

Hanya 46.666667% (kepada 7 titik perpuluhan) yang dapat hadir bersamaan 7 orang. 

Venue : Midvalley, ader ke nak berbuka di midvalley, last2 domino pizza jugak jadi makanan berbuka korang.

Mereka yang menunjukkan muka memang orang orang penting, tak terasa pun lagi 8 orang yang takde tu, ye lah, takkan la 15 orang tu sumer aku or kitaorang suka kan.heh.

Rasanya cam aku tak perlu bgtau la ape keseronokan dia sebab ianya sama dengan mane mane gath yang menyeronokkan yang pernah aku pegi, di ulangi gath yang menyeronokkan dalam erti kata sebenar, tanpa apa apa maksud terselindung.

Leaps makan, sebelum meneruskan sesi lepak ngumpat ngunkit II, kitaorang gi smayang di surau midvalley, first time aku smayang di surau midvalley tu, tak tau pun situ ada surau.

Seperti mana mana surau di shopping complex, memang pack lah surau tu, bukan nak kate ramai orang gi smayang cuma, Midvalley tu bagak besar pastu surau tu kecik, walaupun orang yg gi surau tu tak seramai orang yang masuk Midvalley tu.

Lepas smayang aku ngan Abang Paes a.k.a bangkaius pakai kasut kat luar tu, kebetulan depan pintu keluar surau pompuan.

Aku pun kate, 
"Haa, kat sini la nak cari awek bagus bagus, datang Midvalley tapi ingat lagi nak smayang"

Respon Abang Paes sungguh mengujakan, 
"Tapi kne pilih yang kuar dari pintu tu jalan ngan member member pompuan gak, kalo kuar dari pintu ade laki tunggu, masih questionable niat gi smayang tu"

Aku menuntut penjelasan lanjut. 
"Nape lak, sebab awek orang?"

Abang Paes menjelaskan, 
"Tak. Sebab laki tu maybe balak dia, pastu dua dua nak tunjuk alim masuk waktu g smayang, especially kalo first time dating." Muka kompiden.

"Cam penah buat je", tu dia , T K O dari Faris aka Frost, nak masuk jugak.

Aku : Pernah buat ke?


Thursday, September 4, 2008

They are all no 1 on purpose

Office was damn boring after 3pm, i know i already update TODAY  but this one is interesting. layans...

Now here are the rules from the male side.   
These are our rules!
Please note.. these are all numbered “1″ ON PURPOSE!  

1. Men are NOT mind readers.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat.
You’re a big girl. If it’s up, put it down.
We need it up, you need it down.
You don’t hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday sports It’s like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want.
Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!

1. YES and NO are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That’s what we do.
Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.

1. If you think you’re fat, you probably are. Don’t ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one

1. You can either ask us to do something
Or tell us how you want it done.
Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials…

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say “nothing,” We will act like nothing’s wrong..
We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don’t want an answer to, Expect an answer you don’t want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine… Really .

1. Don’t ask us what we’re thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball
or golf.

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

1. Thank you for reading this.
Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;
But did you know men really don’t mind that? It’s like camping


Bos aku aka kate : 
" Keje kat sini, kita macam batu, batu yang ada dalam sungai, hari hari kene air, body dia jadi licin, cantik, bukan batu dekat atas tebing, berlumut! " 

Huh, jadi batu plak aku skarang.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lucky Strike

I bet many people been through lucky draw before.
Me also.

I dont remember the exact figure but quite lots la, and I am counting from the day I know what lucky draw is, kindergarten maybe.
Also I cant recall when is the last time I win any lucky draw, maybe none , hahaha, luck never on my side.


Few days before, I represent my company to a seminar, the good looking lenglui ask for my bussiness card , she said she want to ask me for dinner later on, no lah, she was holding a big jar at that time, lucky draw purpose.

Just give her my card, in Sam way (remember: Sam in 2+1 sitcom long way before, "this is my card!!!"), and knowing i don't have to dream walking to the front, shake hands and get my prizes !

But I think that day, all the planets and stars in the universe had been alligned in one row, like those in movies or comics, when planets and stars behave like that, something extra-out-of -ordinary would happen, and in this case, i won a lucky draw! , only a pen, damn, guy sat next to me got 4G thumbdrive.

But think of it, I WON A LUCKY DRAW!!!

But to think back, the pen I won ... before it handed to me, they called another 3 person but they already leave the hall. And there only 2 more prizes after the pen.

Was I lucky? Heh.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Lift - 2

Baru lepas jadi 'naga',
masa ada 5 minit lagi. Lampu luar lift tunjuk dia nak naik atas. Aku berlari tekan button nak suruh lift tunggu.
cess, button ni tak makan la pulak.
Lift tertutup jugak.
Tekan button lagi skali, "Ting", tapi lift tak bukak bukak jugak
tekan lagi, kali kedua, "Ting", tapi lift tak bukak bukak jugak buat kali kedua.


Owh, ade lift lagi satu kat belakang, ternganga tunggu aku masuk.
Camane aku leh lupa, cepat je aku pusing nak masuk,
ZUPP!!!! , pintu lift tertutup.

Owh, lift pun nak main main kan aku ...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lift - 1

Peraturan masa rehat.
  1. Masa rehat 15 minit saja.
  2. Boleh ambil 1 kali saja dalam masa 4 jam.
  3. setengah jam sebelum bermula dan tamat tak le amik.

Sebagai seorang perokok, masa 15 minit daripada 4 jam sangat berharga.

Sewaktu berkejar ke lift, nokia gemuk aku bergetar. Ada mesej. Tangan picit botton, mata tgk screen, kaki masuk lift. Nokia gemuk buat hal. Masuk password tak makan. Ces!
Pintu lift tutup.Lift pun rasa cam lama je nk turun, 6 tingkat je.Bukan jauh pun.
Tetiba lift bukak. Aku laju je kuar.Orang lain laju je masuk.

Bila plak diaorang letak pintu kat main entrance ni?
Owh, masih lagi di tingkat 6 ...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

counting days

Weekend again.
Dont have much planned in my head, actually nothing.

sungguh bosan hari minggu bila hujung bulan menjelang.

Baru lepas menghabiskan celoteh asrif , mesej yang sungguh jelas.what is your contribution to the world?

Dan baru juga lepas menatap tulisan Azzam Supardi yang pendek tapi mengelikan.

Aku suka membaca tapi sangat berkira utk membeli bahan bacaan. Menulis adalah sesuatu yang facinating bagi aku. Dalam dunia blogging, aku dapat membezakan dua kategori penulisan yang unik. penulisan yang panjang tapi mengasyikkan dan penulisan yang pendek tapi "dalam".

Which one am I into? Ntah.

Dalam hidup, aku suka perkara yang simple. Tapi aku akan menggunakan ayat yang panjang dalam penulisan dan percakapan untuk menerangkan perkara yang mudah. Kemampuan untuk menulis dalam gaya bahasa yang menyebabkan pembaca terus mahu membaca , adakah ia sesuatu bakat? Orang yang tidak percaya kepada bakat pasti menentang statement aku ini. Kalau tidak masakan ada peribahasa "belakang parang lagikan diasah menjadi tajam". Tapi untuk apa mengasah belakang parang kalau yang mahu digunakan ialah mata parang?

Pernah aku membaca satu soalan, what matter most, the end or the way it end?

(berhenti untuk satu tempoh masa tertentu)

Adakah aku menggunakan ayat yang betul untuk menerangkan maksud aku? Tiba tiba timbul keraguan di benakku. Apa yang mahu aku sampaikan ialah, antara cara dan matlamat (baru sampai perkataan ni) yang manakah lebih menjadi keutamaan.

Seorang ustaz pernah berkata, "matlamat tidak pernah menghalalkan cara".

(sekali lagi berhenti untuk tempoh masa yang lama)

Mungkin jawapan yang tepat untuk kesemua itu adalah ungkapan trainer aku

"back to basic"


sungguh bosan hari minggu bila hujung bulan menjelang

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Agak lama aku tinggalkan blog ni. Taking my time adjusting to a new environment. Hidup aku bila di tenung tenung balik, agak nomad. Lepas abis belajar, kerja kat Kelang, tak berapa lama keje kat Kelang, pergi belajar kat Terengganu, kemudian cuba bekerja di Subang Jaya, 3 bulan di Subang Jaya, aku pindah ke Damansara. Kat Damansara ni pun, aku sendiri tak tau berapa lama. jauh berjalan, luas pemandangan kan? Ye la, dulu aku ingat OU tu jauh, sekarang, bleh kata kat depan mata je, hari hari dua kali sehari aku tgk OU tu. Heh.

Cara aku run hidup aku pun berubah mengikut tempat aku duduk. Kat Kelang pembawaannya lain, kat Terengganu pun lain. Setiap kali berada di tempat baru, aku cuba untuk berubah, mengubah hidup aku supaya "masuk" dengan persekitaran aku sekarang.

Evolusi yang aku hadapai sekarang, bagi aku adalah perubahan yang paling besar perlu aku lakukan. Dulu aku kerja ofis. Pembawaan pekerja ofis, agak berbeza dengan pembawaan pekerja shift. Owh, sekarang aku kerja shift. Lain, betul betul lain. Kalo orang tanya aku, siapakah orang yang paling menepati masa? Jawapan aku adalah pekerja shift. Setiap saat di kira. Kalo time aku kerja ofis dulu, nk masuk lambat, lagi 10 minit ke 830am baru nk call Boss, cakap lewat masuk sikit. Kalo 2 kali sebulan buat camtu, Boss takde nak bising bising, Boss akan kata, ko masuk lambat ko balik lambat. Tapi, kalo keje shift, masuk lambat, yang pasti gaji kena potong, silap hari bulan kena termination-on-the-spot...Heh.

Persekitaran ini sangat baru bagi aku. Sangat baru. Dan aku cuba untuk keeping up for it. Insyaalah, this job will teach me how to measure time accurately.

Dan aku adalah pekerja shift sekarang.

Owh satu lagi, kalo kat ofis dulu aku bleh chat kat YM dan layan Frenster sambil taip report, sekarang PC yang aku pakai cuma ada software yang perlu digunakan untuk masalah pelanggan. Erm, 7 software.



Monday, April 28, 2008

Hari yang gelap, kini sudah terang, lalalala ini bukan lagu kumpulan Hujan

Hujung Minggu. Selalunya hari khamis aku kan rasa nape la ari ni ari khamis, kalo ari ni dah ari jumaat kan best, bile dah ari jumaat, mesti aku terpikir pikir nak buat ape bagi mengisi hujung minggu dua hari yang bakal menjelang. Dan aku sentiasa mengharapkan hujung minggu yang gemilang setiap kali hujung minggu menjelma.

Namun bukan semua hujung minggu aku berstatus gemilang. Apakah pengisian hujung minggu aku? Selalunya Jumaat malam atau Sabtu malam akan berlaku pertumpahan darah wira wira maya di mana mana kafe siber samada di Klang atau di SS15 Subang Jaya. Ini lah aktiviti wajib aku setiap minggu, itupun bergantung pada tahap kesihatan wallet aku, hahaha. Kemudian di ikuti dengan acara tido sepanjang hari pada keesokan hari nya. Itulah kehidupan aku di kampung Subang Jaya ni...hahaha gelak lagi.

Namun begitu, hujung minggu lepas adalah hujung minggu yang paling gemilang. Aku pernah cakap kat Feisal, yang aku rasa bintang aku yang telah malap selama 5 tahun ni dah kembali bersinar, dan aku harap ia terus bersinar, kire cam zaman gelap dah berakhir dan sekarang bermula zaman Renaissance aku lah ni.

Setelah sekian lama aku menjadi ayam dalam pertarungan maya, minggu lepas aku berjaya meng-ayamkan orang lain, clan aku menang 2-1, dengan K/D 1st=23/3, 2nd=7/5 & 3rd=20/2, rekod terbaik setakat ini, hahaha.
On the next day, Sabtu, aku telah menyebokkan diri di rumah akak si Feisal, ade besday celebration anak sedara dia, Natasya, makan free kan, sapa tanak, hahaha. For my surprise, Kak Mimi bikin nasik Dagang la pulak, dalam malu malu kucing aku sental dua pinggan on the first round, di ikuti oleh kek eskrim yang sedap gle,*owh, ini bukan kek secret recipi sbb tuan rumah anti-secret recepi* ceh, leleh lak air liur sambil menaip nieh.
Ingatkan nak lepak jap jer, rupa rupa nya kitaorang makan bukanlah free sebenarnye, sebab lepas makan diwajibkan turun ke kolam mandi untuk jaga budak budak main air, heh, tak pe layaaannnn. Agak lama jugak rasanya berendam, dah abis kecut kecut dah jari jemari aku namun budak budak tu lom reti reti nak naik, adus, terpaksalah aku melaksanakan operasi tarik, lap dan ikat keatas bebudak tu baru le kitaorang leh naik rumah balik. Walaupun aku tak de melakukan stroke stroke perenang olimpik namun letihnye tetap terasa. Awal awal aku saje je menggolek depan TV tapi tuan rumah lak menghulurkan bantal, maka faham faham aje lah, hahahaha.
Ingat tak aku kate bintang aku kembali bersinar, aku ni kiranya had sold my heart and soul to Chelsea *pinjam istilah Asrif* semenjak Paula Malai Ali meng-declarekan dirinya sebagai Chelsea fan *jeling Istimewa*, kena pulak abang ipar Feisal merangkap encik tuan rumah, kipas-susah-mati MU, lantas kami di invite untuk menyaksikan pertembungan Gergasi Biru menentang Gergasi Merah secara langsung melalui Astro. Sebenarnya aku kurang gemor nengok live Chelsea ni sbb time aku tengok live jer mesti Chelsea kalah tapi kan bintang aku dah bersinar, Chelsea menang 2-1, hasil dua jaringan hero aku, encik Ballack, hehehe, kepada encik tuan rumah, sori yer, ter-lost arderenalin control, terjerit kuat sikit masa penalti kick tu, hehehe.
Ahad nye adalah hari bersama Astro. Walaupun plan nak masak sikit tapi cukup lah ngan gulai ikan yang kitaorang tapau dari umah Kak Mimi smalam, tetiba rasa cam makan nasik berlauk pepagi kat kampung jer walaupun hakikatnya pukul 1130 pagi dah takde orang jual nasik berlauk dah kat Kelate tercinto nu....

6hb ni bakal berada di tempat kerja baru. Sekarang tunggu diaorang call untuk gi amik offer letter. Malam tadi sebelum tido aku berkira kira dengan pendapatan baru aku, takde la banyak cam orang orang gomen ataupun orang keje ngan minyak cap hijau tapi quite a sum bagi aku yang belum pernah merasa gaji yang lebih banyak dari gaji aku sebelum sebelum ni. Dah jadi perangai aku, setiap kali aku nak dapat gaji baru, mula la aku berkira kira nak buat ape, bajet itu, bajet ini, banyak aku bajet. Selalunya belum abis lagi list aku senarai kan, dah abis dah balance gaji aku, isk, kena la aku potong kat point point yang aku dah letak sebelum ni, jenuh jugak la, maybe cam tu lah Pak Lah buat bajet tiap tiap tahun, bezanya Pak Lah punya kosong tu lagi banyak berkali kali ganda dari aku punya kosong, hahaha. Ape bezanya bajet aku kali ni? tak de beza sangat, cuma kali ni kne masukkan skali kos sewa rumah, sbb sebelum ni companies yang aku keje bermurah ati sumbatkan aku ke rumah rumah kongsi diaorang, heh, and tahun ni aku decide nak take over perbelanjaan adik aku yang bakal masuk matriks tak lama lagi, alah budak skolah, takde la banyak belanja sgt kan. Siap jer aku listkan point point aku, sum all out, substract from my gaji nanti, tetiba aku rasa cam pelik, cam ade yang tak kena, masih ade dua tiga hinggit balance gaji aku. Hahaha, aku rase best, aku rasa gumbira sangat, yang penting aku tetiba terbayangkan John Terry sepak bola tembus bangunan dan di sambut bola itu oleh Frank Lampard dengan munggunakan kaki *takleh sambut pakai tangan, foul* dalam iklan Celcom sambil berkata "the power is in your hands".

Hahaha, best.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Your Degree or your Car?

For two weeks, my weekend was filled with interviews. Takde la byk mana pun, tp apabila melakukan sesuatu diluar kebiasaan dan berulang-ulang, I'll get bored. And certainly yes for penat. Last Saturday interview was the most advanturous one. Kat a part of Shah Alam yg I thought it was Puchong, menyebabkan aku sesat barat mencari lokasinya. Walaupun mempunyai Tukang Tunjuk Jalan yang aku ingat dia dah hafal jalan Shah Alam, lagi pun area tu dekat ngan rumah pakcik dia yang dia pernah duduk kat situ, tapi aku terlupa satu fakta bahawasanya he is SABAHAN, which made him susah nak ingat jalan Shah Alam, dia kata la.

I am good since I arrived exactly at 930am as promised. Did I mention I had to made a small presentation? Yeah, they called me on Thursday, asking me to go for the interview on Saturday and later, on Friday afternoon they call me to prepare a presentation on anything regarding to engineering, the phone conversation was;

"Cik HxxxxxH told us you are familiar with presentations, so please prepare a
presentation, a short one, 10 to 15 minutes OK? We'll prepare you the laptop and

Owh, I'm speechless. Have you ever being asked to give a presentation without any subject/topics. I was thinking of AlpTransit. It is certainly an engineering topic wasn't is? A mega structure!

Well, i manage to finish the slaid on 2.00 am, dont miss understand me, I started at 12.00, midnight. Istimewa had warned me, jangan lepak lama-lama lepas makan, karang tak siap slaid tu, but what I can do dearie, It was a nice little gathering and surely there are lots and lots to talk about kan? Hehehe.

I was thinking that I survived the interview, just like previous interviews before until this killer question arise ,

Q : "What car do you possessed?"
A : "[It was a yellow Chevrolet sir, I named it BumbleBee.]
Owh, I am doing my driving class sir, will finish by the end of this month, for
now I have a motorcycle (this one is a bluff semata mata)"

Another Q : "Any plan for a car in near future?"
Another A : "[Well, if the BumbleBee face the same luck as Jazz,maybe.]
Certainly sir"

Following Q : "Well, a car is quite important you know."
Following A : "Nothing against you opinion sir"

And it ended with,
"Well, we'll contact you later if you are selected, yada yada yadaaa"

To all my fellow brothers and sisters who going to graduate in a year time, please pair yourselves with a car and driving license since it is as important as your academic qualifications.

*sesat barat ialah istilah kampung aku yang membawa maksud, sesat ntah ke mana mana ntah.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Honestly ...

In year 2002, I had receive an offer letter from Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan & Teknologi Malaysia to continue my higher education there. I take it as a "Surat Arahan" rather than an offer letter since I had no where else to go. It was an engineering class, electrical (Electronics) Engineering to be precise. It was an offer that had never cross my mind, engineering? My physics was suck as well as my Maths. But years later, I found out that engineering class had develop me into who I am today. Not refering me as an engineer since I'm yet an engineer :-C.
Last night, Istimewa had complaint me on how I describe people. She said it is better for me to hardly keep myself from describing on anybody or that anybody would have hard feeling upon my description. I was stunned. Was I that bad in describing? I got an A in technical writing, which need a lot of describe this and that, in details. And I always think before I describe people, not to use any hurting descriptive words on them and yet, my examiner (Istimewa) gave F to me.
An example from her is , if we want to describe an arrogant act, we say, 'kau ni cam serius sgt je buat tak nampak mamat tu duduk kat sini" instead of to use, "kau ni sombong lah buat tak nampak je mamat tu duduk kat sini"
And that example is something I can't accept. The pharase "serius sangat je" is totally different from the meaning of the phrase "sombong lah".
Thinking over and over and over, I come to a conclusion that persons with a attitude of taking care upon what others would feel are persons with lots and lots of vocabulary, and have a total expertise in thesaurus.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Only help upon Sufiah?

When I posted on Sufiah story, I didn’t expect that it would bring more visitors here. It was just a plain opinion I have here in a plain cubicle-at a far end-dark corner of my office. It surprised me when for the first time ever my hits gone over Thousand and I have more that five comments at a single post. Thank you.

Comments I received was quite challenging, and I love to interact with people who left any comments here. Most of them had pitty to Sufiah and I believe, we do care of her, it not just she a muslim, a malay or her mother is a Malaysian that we feel that she is a Malaysian but we care of her as a human, as a human who have the pottential to be a genius.

I think lots of prostitute here at Malaysia (Yes, we do have them, openly at Brickfield, behind the Sentral Monorail Station) would be jealous, why would we only want to help Sufiah, why we didnt help them, which is far more easier to locate (I gave you the location right? Yes, Brickfield.). Didnt they also NEED to be help?
On my post on Sufiah, this comment had gained my attention ;

Durrah Says:April 3, 2008 at 10:34 pm e
My father brought me up in a strict Islamic upbringing..he controlled me and physically abused me if I don’t obey. My life was a living hell…failure after failure, I struggled with low self esteem and depression just like Sufiah…I am free now..I choose what I want to be. Stop the nonsense on Islamic teaching. You guys quoting and preaching nonsense..

So? Anybody have anything to say to Durrah?

Monday, March 31, 2008

Should we do something? In name of Malaysia and Islam

Shock or terrified? I dont know which is my impression when i passed a book store today.

Harian Metro, front page ”Tersungkur di lembah hina “

LONDON: Dia dikenali sebagai kanak-kanak genius matematik dan mendapat tempat di Universiti Oxford ketika usianya baru 13 tahun. …

Yes, she once a malaysian sweetheart, eventhough there are voices questioning was her? Her now-in-jail father is a Pakistan. The man who responsible to create her and her mathematical genius (i would say ability).

What actually happens to her? Most important, who discover her? And was she related to us? Related to Malaysia?

Googling her wasnt a difficult task, not many site have her story so for me the analysist would be simple and much easier to get to the prime source. Till the time I am writing, only a bunch of people had commented on her and mine would be another next.

According to them, sufiah story had been published by UK Newspaper, News of The World and The Telegraph, the article was written by the same author, Megan Levy. But both sources didn’t actually tell her real story I think. And I doubt if she knows that she’s being interview. This surfaced another doubt, was she is the real Sufiah Yusuf? The article started on how their spy had met Sufiah and how she stripped her clothes to her skin and dance on the bed. Then, on how sufiah have admitted to Oxford, thanks to her father’s famous Accelerated Learning Technique. The papers also described sufiah’s father as “her domineering dad Farooq” and unfortunately he was jailed for sexually assaulting two 15-year-old girls as he home-tutored them in maths.
I read the article at news of the world more than 5 times (and please, not because of the pictures), and still i cant help questioning was she Sufiah Yusuf? Maybe, only her mother who could verify the picture.But I am glad, she was never ever be described as a Malaysian or a Melayu in both of the prime sources.

Well, for any further reading, you could go here

News Of The WorldThe Telegraph

Update 01 April 2008: Utusan Malaysia today had interview Sufiah’s relative here in Johor, Malaysia. They was on her mother side .

Another article related to Sufiah story is a pschologist opinion over what Sufiah thinks.

Update 02 April 2008 : The Ministers had open their mouths. Dato Zahid Hamidi,Minister at Prime Minister Department says, Malaysian Goverment are finding ways to help Sufiah since it was such a waste if we let her be. And they believe, the life she ran is not the one she want. Read more.

Update 03 April 2008 : Googling “sufiah yusuf” or “shilpa lee” would only returned lame news. Malaysian newspaper also repeating the same point of her story. Today they said sufiah had stop her study since 2000, which already being reported in News of The World. I’m thinking that malaysia’s reporter had nothing else to write but thier editor still firing the reporter’s ass for more story. And the editors are happy still eventhough thier stuff just copy, translate and paste.

I’m quite seeing from far where Sufiah’s Story would end. When next week come, people would forget about her as what happen tu Sharlinie, Atlantuya, Norita (all were female?) etc. Pitty to Asmawi @ Awie, the boy who missing at MidValley, lack media coverage been given to him, I wonder if people knew that Awie had dissappear as they know Sharlinie?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Again, I want to see what is happening tomorrow?

My final week at CMRS Sdn Bhd. Masih belum ada hints atau petunjuk untuk mengambarkan letak duduk aku for next week. Will I stay or will they kick me out gracefully?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wish List

Colbie showcase for you

Fans of Colbie Caillat, listen up. Universal Music will be giving out 20 pairs of tickets to readers of The Star who want to catch her live showcase on March 14 at The Curve.
To catch her first live showcase in Malaysia, just send in your name, address and phone number to

You stand to win a pair of tickets. Channel X and are the sponsors and official radio station for the Colbie Caillat Showcase.

The American pop singer–songwriter from Malibu, California, will be here in Malaysia for a promo tour from March 13 to 16. When she came up with her first hit single Bubbly, fans just fell in love with the song. She’s now got a big following in Malaysia.

Other ways to catch her showcase is to purchase her album, Coco, in any record store. You will automatically be entitled to a pair of tickets to watch her live. Not only that, 10 lucky people who buy the album will also stand a chance to attend the meet and greet session with Colbie.
The showcase will take place at The Curve (the open space outside of Cineleisure) and will start at 8pm.

There will also be an autograph session after the showcase so bring along your copy of her album.

Will I be there? Hmm, we’ll See ;P

Monday, March 3, 2008

Nobita's Drawer

I have no appetite for news paper or tv bulletin since last week. Watching tv is not fun anymore. For the first time of my life I really care about current politics, read: general election. May be because my name had been listed in , SPR database, I was soo excited when I register as a voter 4 years ago, on 02 September 2004. But now, being a voter really disrupting me. As a voter at ”negeri panas” known as Kelantan, it takes quite a burden to me.

I feel like I need to take it very serious, should I vote for old gov or for the new one?Making decisions require us to expect the consequences of the path we going to take and we’ll be the best decision maker if we can see the future. Well, yesterday I suddenly felt I had understand why Robert Zameric and Speven Speilberg create Back To The Future. It not just a hunger to remedy the past you made or to buy an Almanac so you could win the lotteries or race bets but it was to get a foresight of what is happening in the future.I hope on my way back home this evening, Prof. Brown will pop out in front of me with the new De Lorean (which could fly since SS15 evening traffic wont permit speed to exceed 80 mph). I’ll ask him to bring me to year 2009 or 2010, before that we’ll stop at 7E for a can of Carlsberg to refuel De Lorean. What will happen to Kelantan if the new gov sit the state? Will there any new mosque? Will there be new shop lots not own by PR relatives? Will there new asphalts or promised highway? Will there Sport Toto and Magnum shops? Will the scenery paint a small difference or a total difference?
Campaign van (in 1985): Re-elect mayor Goldie Wilson! Progress is his middle name. Mayor Wilson’s progress platform means more jobs, better education, bigger civic improvements and lower taxes! On election day, cast your vote for a proven leader… -taken from Back To The Future :1985

All I can say, Kelantan-ians want to see the progress as they promised. Just want to see, not hunger as they pictured in the tele. Each time I watch them picturing Kelantan as a state of poverty, we lived like those in year 1980’s, I feel aches in my heart, we at kelantan didn’t live in such a picture. We run our life happily, the food here are half of the price in KL. We also effected when they raised the petrol price, still we are breathing, the graph didn’t show any increase of death because we can’t afford to pay for the food.

Hehe, I sounded rebel. Nope, just a thought, the campaign strategy wasn’t very educated, even though it produced by an educated party.

Right now, I’m just hoping that I’ll make a correct decision starting from how I am going to go back to kg this 8 of March 2008.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Cikgu dan anjengnya

Cikgu Ali : Cikgu susah hati la hari ni …

Murid : Kenapa cikgu?

Cikgu Ali : Anjing cikgu dari semalam hilang, penat dah cikgu cari, tak jumpa, cikgu panggil pun dia tak menyahut, isk isk isk

Murid : Anjing?

Murid : Cikgu, cikgu mana boleh bela anjing …

Cikgu Ali : Eh, kenapa pulak tak boleh? Saya beli mahal anjing tu tau, jaauuuh saya pergi beli …

Murid : Anjing tu haram la cikgu …

Cikgu Ali : Ape pulak harap, saya bela ANJING LAUT…

ngeh ngeh ngeh